Friday, October 24, 2008

senior quote

But if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


art is something that an artist creates that is an expression of their emotions. it can be functional, but usually is not. such as a guitar that is painted on, it CAN be played but most likely WONT be played. not everything is art, a building is not art because it was made for some other purpose other than being art. however, graffiti on this building is art because it is the graffiti artist's expression of his emotion. art doesnt always have to be good, it just must have some form of meaning to the artist, that others can relate to in some way.

Monday, October 20, 2008

unnaming the named

the world view is postmodern
'as they put it' clearly shows the postmodern view of everything being relative
  • God & Universe
    • 'father lent me this'
    • the is a god, but not capitalized, indicates non-Christian
    • the god is only able to lend things out
  • Humanity & Identity
    • 'anybody who wanted to be called Rover, or Froufrou, or Polly, or even Birdie in the personal sense, was perfectly free to do so'
    • everyone has the choice to choose their names
    • names do not mean anything, it is all personal choice
  • Conflict & Suffering
    • 'These verbally talented individuals insisted that their names were important to them, and flatly refused to part with them.'
    • some animals did not want to accept the uselessness of their names
  • Hope & Redemption
    • 'the attraction that many of us felt, the desire to smell one another's smells, feel or rub or caress one another's scales or skin or feathers or fur...'
    • the hope comes in knowing that all feel the desire to be one with wach other
  • Values & Relationships
    • 'Most of them accepted namelessness with the perfect indifference with which they had so long accepted and ignored their names.'
    • it was easy for those to let go of their values, when they didn't even value their own individuality
  • Truth & Reality
    • 'They seemed far closer than when their names had stood between myself and them like a clear barrier.'
    • the truth is that everything is more united without their names, they are all able to be who they want to be

Sunday, October 19, 2008

mmmm pie

i decided on 'American Pie' being a Secular Humanist worldview. because:
    • 'father, son, and the holy ghost, they caught the last train for the coast'
    • if its the God of Christianity, he cant leave. but here he is free to leave
    • 'your mortal soul'
    • showing that we are not around forever
    • 'marching band refused to yield'
    • musis is more important than some football game
    • 'the day the music died'
    • the music, which is the only reason to live
  • HOPE
    • 'i'd heard the music years before'
    • remembering that the music once was, maybe itll come back
    • 'this'll be the day that i die'
    • all value is in music, if it dies, we die
    • 'drinkin whiskey and rye'
    • only true thing left is to drink and remember what music once was

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost Worldview

god & the universe

'In the beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos:'

'the wayes of God'

'for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view'

'since by fate the strength of the Gods
And this Empyreal substance cannot fail'

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is the worldview in the Wizard of Oz?

the worldview in the Wiz of Oz is clearly postmodern, well at least for the majority. it has to have elements of others just cuz anybody who isnt postmodern wouldnt like it. the ways that its postmodern is because it is all in a completely false 'reality' that Dorothy creates while she is in her coma or watever it was. also how in the end Oz or the 'god' figure is actually just a man behind a screen pulling strings on all his puppets. as we all learned in our valuable UTT class, Friedrick Nietzsche says 'god is dead' and we killed him, but in this process we had to create our own 'god' in order to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. this is exactly what the characters have done in Oz, made a man out to be where they can put their hope in.


To see an author's worldview, there are many things to look for. One is their "god" figure, such as a father, force, or dictator. Another is the nature of humanity whether they are perceived as inherently good, inherently evil, having a free will, or ability to change who they are. The role of nature can also help when looking for worldviews, it can be just resources used for humans, part of the "whole" of the earth, or as part of the "god" of the earth.