Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is the worldview in the Wizard of Oz?

the worldview in the Wiz of Oz is clearly postmodern, well at least for the majority. it has to have elements of others just cuz anybody who isnt postmodern wouldnt like it. the ways that its postmodern is because it is all in a completely false 'reality' that Dorothy creates while she is in her coma or watever it was. also how in the end Oz or the 'god' figure is actually just a man behind a screen pulling strings on all his puppets. as we all learned in our valuable UTT class, Friedrick Nietzsche says 'god is dead' and we killed him, but in this process we had to create our own 'god' in order to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. this is exactly what the characters have done in Oz, made a man out to be where they can put their hope in.

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